Friday 4 January 2008


The Christmas Tree

With Mummy and Daddy

With Aunty Sarah & Tayla, Aunty Lizzie & Mummy & Me in front of the Christmas Tree and all the Presents!

The aftermath!!!
It's playtime...

my cousin Tayla

My cousin is visiting with her mummy and daddy for Christmas. Tayla is 3 months younger than me but we still have a lovely time playing together and have had a crash course in sharing... We sit together in our high chairs and feed each other, play chasies, have baths together and have even tried pole dancing together!

Poppy & Nonna's Hamper

Poppy and Nonna sent us a huge hamper for Christmas and I had a ball playing in the basket with all the filling and making it snow! Thank you Poppy and Nonna - wish you were here.

Up with the Christmas Tree!

Mummy & Aunty Lizzie put up the Christmas Tree and I am helping!

Aunty Lizzie - AKA the GODMOTHER

Aunty Lizzie is visiting from Australia - we are having the best time! I am having a lovely time playing with the new dirty clothes basket and 'Hobart' the teddy that Aunty Lizzie gave me last Christmas.