Tuesday 19 June 2007

I love my mummy


I gave mummy a bit of a scare yesterday when she couldn't find me. I was hiding upstairs in the spare bedroom. I was very clever and climbed the stairs for the first time all by myself. I tried to do it again today and mummy busted me!

Rudey Nudey!!

I love having a bare bottom!!

Saturday 16 June 2007

Still having a bad hair day

Bad hair day

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Mummy and I have a new game called Fetch! And in case you are wondering that is a lolly wrapper in my mouth.

Friday 8 June 2007


I was so exhausted after our Jo Jingles class this morning I passed out right on the living room floor!
Mummy said she could resist taking a photo...

Wednesday 6 June 2007


Weigh in - 8.52kgs
I now have 7 teeth. I can crawl very, very fast when I want to and I think I might take my first steps very soon! I like to stand up and let go of things, so I can stand all by myself, that is until I fall over. I am talking lots and have even learn how to dance. Mummy thinks I am very funny. My 2 new favourite foods are blue berries, raspberries and I adore cheese.

Tuesday 5 June 2007

Boo Boo

I had a bit of an accident on the weekend and fell and hit my head - ouch!
