Thursday 22 March 2007

Wednesday 21 March 2007

Mother's Day

Mummy had her first official Mother's Day on the weekend.

I LOVE Spagetti!!

I love to eat whatever mummy and daddy are having for dinner and tonight it was spagetti - yum! At first I had a bit of trouble getting the slippery, sticky little suckers in my mouth but then I found a way. What a mess!!


Ta Dah!!!

Funtime with daddy, I love standing up and am trying to walk - crawling, what's that? Mummy thinks I look like a bit of a gremlin in these photos, I can be cheeky when I want to be!

Thursday 8 March 2007

8 months old

Where has the time gone??
8 months old - weigh in 8.04kgs
I still love my baths!!

Friday 2 March 2007

Cheeky Monkey!

I am cheeky, happy girl...
most of the time

push ups?

Strengthening my arms...

mummy thinks I look just like daddy in this photo - what do you think?

My first tooth!!!

After several tedious months of teething, one of the little buggers has finally popped through on Sunday February 18th. It has taken mummy this long to be able to get me to co-operate with the camera.

And now for a close up!