Wednesday 30 May 2007

Happy Birthday Poppy!!

Kisses to Poppy in Brisbane on his birthday.

Sunday 27 May 2007

Daddy's Birthday

It was Daddy's birthday on Thursday. He had a pile of presents which I helped open (getting in some practice for July) and some balloons which I had a wonderful time playing with. I like Birthdays!!

Monday 21 May 2007

Saffron's 1st Birthday Party

I had the best weekend ever! We drove the car back into Clapham, or old neighbourhood in London to help Saffron celebrate her 1st Birthday. It was wonderful to catch up with my old friends, they have grown up so much since I last saw them! I also got to eat cake for the first time - yummy!!!
The Birthday girl! I love her party dress

I had a lovely time playing in the pool filled with coloured balls. i think daddy had fun too!

My friend Thomas also played with me, he was very good at throwing the balls everywhere. We had lots of fun!

My other friends Joe and Tomas where there too. Here Joe is having a cuddle from his mummy and Tomas is playing with some blocks.

I have also discovered balloons - they are lots of fun, but I learnt that they bust and make a very loud noise if you chew on them.

Saffron's mummy was showing me all of her presents and then I got a bit cranky becase I was tired.

Sunday 20 May 2007

I LOVE my dummy

Mummy and daddy are starting to get a little worried at how much I love my dummy!!

Granny has been busy

My granny has been very busy sewing some new, red overalls for me - don't I look smart!

Monday 7 May 2007

Little Miss Helpful

I am helping mummy unfold the clothes in the clothes basket, but for some reason she keeps putting them back in again. What a great game!

No pictures please!

Visiting Great Grandma & Grandpa Cole

This weekend we went for a lovely long drive to Fairford to visit Great Grandma Joan & Great Grandpa Max. I slept for most of the trip in our new car but did wake to see some lovely countryside with cows and sheep and lots of brightly coloured wildflowers. We stopped in for lunch and I got to sit on daddy's lap, then I had a lovely play, some cuddles and then we went home again.

I'll stand up anyway I can!

I love to climb... especially mummy!

Saturday 5 May 2007

Cheeky Chops

I love crawling so much I like to escape while mummy and daddy are changing my nappy!


Weigh in - 8.37kgs
I still have only 6 teeth. Most importantly I am mobile - I can crawl!! And am trying very hard to walk... Favourite foods to add to my list are avocado, cucumber and any kind of meat.

Wednesday 2 May 2007

Mummy's tired

I love being mobile and I want to play all the time - yesterday I pulled myself up into standing position with the help of the couch and opened the fridge all by myself. Mummy looks so tired - I wonder why?

Crazy Crawling Critter

I started to crawl properly last Monday and love to get into, and out of everything!

I love standing

Aren't I clever?

And I can wave at the same time!!