Thursday 25 October 2007


My latest trick is climbing, anything and everything! Here I am sitting on the arm of the lounge thinking I am very clever.

Finally mummy says I look a little bit like her in this photo - is it the double chin or the slitty eyes, hhhhmmmm...

Thursday 18 October 2007

IN my Toy box!

I have a fantastic new game of being a 'jack in the box.'
I think I am pretty funny

Our Weekend in Fairford

Last weekend we drove to Fairford to see my Great Aunty Mary and Great Uncle Bill who were visiting Great Grandma Joan and Max, from South Africa. Debbie, Max and some other members of the family also came - we had a lovely time.

Great Aunty Mabel, Debbie and Great Aunty Mary.

Great Grandma Joan, Max and Great Aunty Mabel, who is traveling to Egypt next week, at 84 isn't she amazing!

And a few pictures of me - it is my blog after all!!

Friday 12 October 2007

Lolly Legs

Mummy got me some new clothes during the week and thought I looked very cute in this outfit

I can climb up onto my rocking chair and have a lovely time making it rock back and forth.


Mummy was estatic to get the bobble to stay in my hair - I quite liked looking at myself in mirror and was a very good girl not to pull it out.

And it has got cold - winter is on the way. Here I am wearing my winter coat (thanks Aunty Sarah it finally fits), before we went to Jo Jingles this morning.

Looking cute

Claire, our neighbour from across the road very kindy cleaned up her old plastic slippery slide and gave it to me - it is great! And fits in the conservatory perfectly. I think I am extremely clever to climb up and slide down all by myself.

Belly Art

Mummy turned her back for 5 minutes and I decided to draw a masterpiece on my tummy!

Sunday 7 October 2007

Bella Dancing - so gorgeous

Me & mummy

Stair Gate Antics

I love playing on the stairs - up and down, up and down. I even close the stair gate behind me!
Check out all my teeth!

And I can still see the TV...

Monday 1 October 2007

Mummy's little artist

Mummy bought me my first sketch pad and some crayons. I love drawing, but I can't decide whether I am right-handed like mummy or left-handed like daddy!

My backyard

There has been so much rain that the lawn in our backyard has gone a little wild. I like the pretty flowers!

Look at me go...

We went to Henley-on-Thames for the afternoon. It was a beautiful day with the sun shining for a change. Daddy kept putting a silly hat on my head and I did not like it!
I walked and walked and walked.


Weigh in - 8.92kgs
I now have 10 teeth - including all 4 molars.
I love to walk and talk and I am very cheeky!!!


Try and stop me!


When we got home from Australia we had a long visit from a friend of mummy & daddy's called Vince. Daddy said he used to share a house with Vince in Patrick Street a long, long time ago. While Vince was staying with us we had another visit from Pauric and Una from Dublin. Pauric also used to live in the house in Patrick Street. We went to a pub in Bray for lunch - it was very nice!

Fun in Brisvegas

I had a lovely time at Poppy and Nonna's house in Brisbane. One day we went to the beach at Redcliffe. It was my first time at the beach and I loved it! The sand, the sun, the surf... I also decided that it was high time that I could walk. So I have officially moved up from 'baby status' to 'toddler status'